Sun, pollution and time result in skin laxity. Laser or radiofrequency tightening procedures improve drooping, draping and wrinkling of the face and neck.
We have a variety of options available to help tighten skin in the areas you desire. At the Dermatology Center of Newport we highly recommend:
- • CO2 Laser – The C02 Laser is a Micro Fractional Laser that delivers a therapeutic matrix of tiny beams of laser energy to the top and mid layers of the skin to make the skin tighter and smoother. The C02 Laser’s fractionated energy delivery is designed to help with quick healing. It only effects certain cells in the treated matrix and the spared cells quickly move in to help heal the laser treated microspots. In addition, the laser beam expands under the skin surface to stimulate new collagen production across the entire treated area.
- • Genius Radiofrequency Thermotherapy — The very first laser of its kind to help with skin tightening! The Genius’s unique and intelligent radiofrequency (RF) technology protects the top layers of the skin and targets the skin where it needs to be tightened. The Genius is the only RF microneedling device that provides accurate real-time feedback regarding energy delivery to the skin.