Co2 Laser

The Co2 Laser (Lumines UltraPulse) is the dream laser treatment for improving the appearance and texture of facial skin.

Get the long term results of healthy looking skin without wrinkles or acne scars that you have always wanted in only 1 treatment. This is known as skin resurfacing.

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Laser skin resurfacing can improve the appearance of your face by selectively targeting the superficial layers of skin that contain fine lines/wrinkles, scars and hyperpigmentation. Laser skin resurfacing is a safe and common procedure that many people choose instead of or in addition to invasive surgical skin procedures.

before co2 laserafter co2 laser
co2 mixto laser right side beforeco2 mixto laser - right side of face after
Co2 Laser Acne Scarring Beforeco2 laser acne scarring after

The UltraPulse delivers a therapeutic matrix of tiny beams of laser energy to the top and mid layers of the skin.  Fractionated energy delivery is designed for faster healing. Because some cells in the treated matrix are spared from laser ablation, these cells quickly move in to help heal the laser treated microspots.  In addition, the laser beam expands under the skin surface to stimulate new collagen production across the entire area. 

How is the Co2 Laser different than other laser treatments?

The UltraPulse delivers more energy in a 30-minute treatment than competitors can accomplish in 3 treatments.  However, it has more discomfort and more downtime.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing:

  1. 1.) Smoother and fresher looking skin
  2. 2.) Improved skin tone and texture
  3. 3.) Fewer wrinkles around the eyes
  4. 4.) Reduced appearance of acne and surgical scars
co2 mixto laser before profile leftco2 mixto laser after profile left
co2 mixto laser beforeco2 mixto laser after

Does the UltraPulse Laser hurt?

The pain during the procedure can reach as high as an 8 out of 10 scale for moments of the 45 minute treatment.  To keep pain manageable, we will apply topical anesthetic 60 minutes prior to treatment. If the patient has a driver home, the doctor may prescribe a stronger pain killer.   Following the procedure, there can be lingering discomfort that feels like a bad sunburn for at most two hours after the procedure. The skin can feel tight and itchy for the subsequent one to two weeks.

What can you expect after the laser skin resurfacing treatment?

The skin may appear red due to increased blood flow and growth of superficial collagen for two months. The redness gradually fades over that timeframe. Treatment with the UltraPulse System results in swelling that can last up to 72 hours. The skin can have a more tan appearance for 3 days but then reveals a younger healthy looking skin. A consultation and clinical examination will be conducted to obtain relevant facts about your medical and dermatologic history, and any medications you are currently taking or have taken in the past. If you are prone to cold sores, you need to ask your doctor for an antiviral prescription before the treatment. Fractional treatment with the UltraPulse has been proven safe for the eyelids, face, neck, and chest.

How long is recovery from the c02 laser?

Most patients are ready to go back to work and resume social activities after one week, but it depends on the patient and their lifestyle. Typical “downtime” is 5 days. Make-up can be applied after 7 to 10 days.

When do you see the results from the c02 laser?

Visible results from fractional resurfacing laser treatments can vary. There are essentially two stages of results: immediate and progressive. Immediately after your first laser treatment your skin will feel smoother, look brighter and the tone will become more even. Your skin will continue to improve over the next six months as deeper layers of skin tighten.

How long do the effects of the fractional resurfacing laser last?

The results of the laser treatment lasts for 8 to 10 years. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from the sun, the longer the results will last. It can be repeated if gravity and sun-damage result in a need for more resurfacing and tightening.

Who is the best candidate for this procedure?

There are three separate groups the UltraPulse a[ plies to: the younger patient with severe acne scars, the middle-aged patient with wrinkles and age spots and the older patient with wrinkles, age spots and pre-cancerous lesions.

How many treatments are needed?

In most cases only one, but for deeper wrinkles and acne scars two or more treatments may be required.

Is it just for the face or can it be used on other areas of the body?

It is most commonly used on the face and neck, but can also be used on the chest, arms and hands.

How much does fractional resurfacing cost?

The cost of fractional laser resurfacing with the C02 Laser varies depending on the area being treated and the number of passes required for optimal results. A good ballpark for the full face treatment is $2,800 to $3,200. A personalized fractional resurfacing treatment plan and cost estimate is provided during a consultation with one of our expert laser dermatologists.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing:

Laser skin resurfacing benefits include:

  • Smoother and fresher looking skin
  • Improved tone and texture
  • Fewer wrinkles around the eyes
  • Reduced appearance of acne and surgical scars


The CO2 Laser is used for treating
Acne Scars
Wrinkles & Aging
Age Spots